I went to the Power Hour at the Corcoran Gallery this evening with ML and some of his friends. Basically, it is two glasses of wine, along with a combination cheese and hors d'oeuvres platter, and admission to the museum which had a Richard Avedon: Portraits of Power exhibit. The food, wine and company were great. The exhibit was interesting. It was weird seeing all these people from the 1970s who were in power then and who are still around in one capacity or another now. I wonder if they knew back then of the road they were embarking on. What was also interesting was he took a photo of then-state senator Barack Obama circa 2004. Talk about wondering about the road he was about to embark on....
Well, I'm headed to Texas to run a half. Hopefully I'll finish under 2:25:00 but I'm not convinced considering I haven't run in two weeks. This will be an interesting half.