Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day....Sort Of

Well, it was my normal day off, but with all the snow, I hibernated at home. I made some Channa Punjabi (which I hadn't made in awhile). It's a nice chickpea and zucchini stew with Indian spices. I like it, and it is easy to make.

My big baking project was Walnut Cookie sandwiches with "peanutella" spread. I started by making my own nutella -- with peanuts and walnuts. It was surprisingly easy to make. And it tasted great!

I used 2 cups of roasted peanuts (I bought them raw and roasted them myself -- with some walnuts thrown in) that I put in the food processor and blended until it started to look like peanut butter. Then I added a cup of powdered sugar, 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder and 3/4 tsp of vanilla. I blended it some more and streamed in some grapeseed oil (it's what I had, the original recipe called form vegetable oil or a nut oil) and continued blending it until it looked like nutella.

Then I made the cookies. New recipe -- instead of pecans I used walnuts because my Mom gave me a pound of walnuts. I think the only thing I would try differently is to cut down on the sugar -- the cookie was a little too sweet. The other thing I might try is chilling the dough for longer than 15 minutes. Still, I think all in all it came turned out well.

I'm going to bring them into work tomorrow and hopefully get some feedback on how I can improved the recipe.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Farmer's Market in Winter

I like that the Farmer's Market is open during the winter, but I admit I don't get as much veg as I do in the summer. My staples are always there. Eggs, mushrooms, cheese and bacon (sometimes). Today, I picked up some spinach, clams and a spaghetti squash. I think I'm going to make a spinach, mushroom, and ricotta cheese frittata tonight. Tomorrow, I'll go for the squash.

For lunch today, I made did linguine with clams. It was the first time I've ever cooked clams. It was fun. I made a light a sauce with white wine, olive oil, garlic, and parsley and basil from my herb box. The clams were tasty. I think I'll have to buy more things from the fish guy at the farmer's market. The last time I picked up some perch. Despite having taken a class on how to cook fish, I didn't to a really good job with my perch. Something to work on.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolution 2011!

Well, my resolution for 2010 did not happen, but I've got a couple for 2011! One is a running/race related resolution. The other is to be more creative this year. Actually take a writing class or an art class. Basically do something fun like that. The other is to get moving on my NYC plan. Enough talk, this is the year for action!