After 2 postponements, the Space Shuttle Enterprise finally made it to New York City! I dragged my friend NM and her two kids to go out on a windy, chilly day and see the shuttle piggy-back a NASA 747 at 1,500 feet, flying over the city. It was great!
I know The Enterprise never went into space, but it's still the closest I've ever come -- and every will come -- the seeing a shuttle fly. And -- be honest -- seeing a plane on top of another plane is pretty cool. Lots of people were out watching the shuttle, which passed by the Statue of Liberty, the westside of Manhattan, the Intrepid (its future home) and up the Hudson to the Tappan Zee Bridge. Then it came back down the Hudson. It was sureal. And we weren't the only ones out there. It was really crowded along the Hudson.
I didn't get any shots of it, but it was fun seeing other shots of the shuttle between skyscrapers. It just seemed unreal.
And of course, I took some video of the shuttle.