It's always fun getting mail. I'm not talking bills, magazines, wedding invitations or the like. I'm talking honest to goodness mail. Letters or even better: package slips. I got a surprise package in the spring and it was the highlight of my spring. I received another in the mail last night. Based on the info on the slip, I thought maybe it was a gift card. I received an via email from GF and Crate and Barrel, but thought this was Crate and Barrel's official way of tell me.
I got to the post office and knew pretty quickly that I was wrong. This is what I picked up.
It was not a gift card. It was like a kid on Christmas Eve. I couldn't wait to get home to see who the package was from.
I figured it was a limited group since I haven't sent out my I've moved email (which I will do...soon). I opened the box, expecting to see the Styrofoam peanuts. Instead I got this:
I imagine people who have gift registries for when they get married or have a kid must get these a lot. Since I've done neither, it was really fun to get! But for a second, I wondered if this was Crate and Barrel's way of giving me a gift car -- the box within a box withing a box.
Luckily for me, it wasn't!
It was this beautiful bowl from my cousin's family. It really is beautiful and I've put it on my bookshelf as art for the time being. That's how much I love the salad bowl!