Friday, January 11, 2013

My Contrary Ways

I've been home sick for two days. I slept most of yesterday (sleep, for me, has always led to fast recovery), venturing out of my apartment to go buy soup (garden vegetable) and tissues. I forgot to buy more orange juice.  I don't think I can sleep anymore.

So, after emailing work, I've spent the morning tweeting (or retweeting) and going through my instagram photos. It got me to thinking, for someone dead set against facebook, I do have a social media footprint larger than I realize. I mean I signed up for Google+, I'm on linked in. I have not one, but two blogs. Why am I so reluctant to sign up for facebook?

I wish I could say it was because of its privacy rules or unease with how it would use my data. But it's not.

Part of the reason is I like being contrary. Everyone uses facebook, so I shouldn't. It's like being the person who has never seen "Star Wars" or read a Harry Potter book. But I think the other thing is I view facebook as a lazy/easy way to maintain friendships. You can find out what people are doing without actually talking to them. I update all my different social media mediums on a pretty irregular basis (although I tweet from my work related acct on a pretty regular basis), but you really have to know me to know I have all these things (or use my iPhone to show me how to do certain things).

But it does put me at a disadvantage. I'm usually the last to know anything. During the holidays, when people realized I was unaware of something, the phrase "I posted it on facebook" was used a lot. 

Should I sign up? Probably. Will I? No. If people really want me know something, they can email me.


Unknown said...

the contrarian

Lynn said...
