Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Foliage

I went to Ithaca, NY, this past weekend to visit with AA and her family. It was a fun, relaxing trip for me. (I did get in a run - which you can read about in the other blog.) AA and I had an interesting discussion in light of the fact that our 20th HS reunion is coming up. How much have we changed/not changed. Looks-wise I think we're pretty much as we were - I bit older. But A was right, it was our demeanor and confidence levels that have changed really. I think about the shy girl I was in HS -- and I still am shy -- but I care less what people think and more about how I feel. Maybe that's just the selfishness that comes with age. But at a certain point in your life you know what you want, what you want to do, and what you're willing or not willing to put up with. Am I wrong in thinking this?

Anyway, I was upstate in the fall, so there were plenty of leaf peeping and hiking. During the short hike we took, I found another bench/chair that I love to photograph when I travel. This is one I took in Ithaca.

There is something sad about an empty chair. It's purpose is to wait for someone or someones to come by and rest. But, on the other hand, it's usually got the best view around. It gets to see the minute changes day by day or the vast vistas in front of it (depending on where the chair/bench is). One day, I'll actually get around to framing all of the ones that I have. The other cool thing that we saw, was this tree with mushrooms growing out of it -- I guess I should say fungi.

It made me wish that I actually knew how to forage in the forest. I know I'm really an urban girl, but there are some country things that I wish I knew how to do - like make jam and preserve things. I know I can learn and there are classes here in the city, but honestly, it's not like a have berry bushes outside my door or a garden to grow things that need to be preserved. One day, I'll have my place in the country. But for now, I'll hit the farmers market for some good jam.

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