I also saw a tree sticking out of the terrace of a highrise. This is one of the things I love about Manhattan -- tress pop up in the most unusual places.

About 20 blocks later we made it to Chinatown. First, we went to Pocha 32. But it wasn't open for lunch -- it's apparently a 5pm-3am place. So we went a couple of doors down to BCD Tofu House. We split a pa jun (a seafood pancake -- which they had listed as a pizza, and frankly, that's soooooooo wrong. It was very good -- crisp on the outside and mushy (in a good way) on the inside! And the ban chan could have been a meal in and of itself!

But don't worry, I had room for a great kimchee chi-gae with tofu. MP and I then crossed the street so I could buy some kim-bap for my bus ride to DC. Kim-bap is Korea's version of a sushi roll except the meat is cooked. I got the veggie kim-bap though. Finally we started the almost 30 block trek back to Columbus Circle. We stopped at Bryant Park for a drink. They had this little eating area set up with Adirondack chairs and bench swings. It was really nice. All in all, a great NYC day! Thanks MP for the pictures.
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