Monday, August 24, 2009

Comfort Food, Thy Name is Risotto

Risotto's got everything I love in it: rice, cheese, a creamy texture. It has fast become my favorite comfort food, especially when it's right. And I got it right this weekend. I don't know what I did, if it was the constant stirring, the heating up of the broth before mixing it in with the arborio rice, or if it was my decision to substitute some Allegash white beer for the wine (which I didn't have in the house), but it was a yummy, creamy masterpiece.....for me. I even had leftovers for lunch today and I needed it. It's been one of those days where I question everything I've done that got me to this point in my life, every decision I've made, doors that I chose not to walk through and where I would be had I had the guts, and whether I have the capacity to make good decisions at all. Cooking school or not? Buy or Rent? Stay or Go? Tastes great or less filling? I DON'T KNOW!!!! This is why the leftover risotto was good for me today. For about 23 minutes, I put aside all my nagging, angsty questions, went to the NYTimes online, read some interesting articles about old race horses and the revival of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking and forgot about my problems, for a bit.

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